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Text File | 1998-11-25 | 6.7 KB | 326 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- ## Language file for analog3.1. May not work with any other version.
- ##
- ## This is a language file for analog. Most languages need two, one for HTML
- ## output and one for plain text output. Lines beginning with ## are comments.
- ## If your language doesn't seem to fit into this pattern, explain the problem
- ## to me, and I can adjust the source code if necessary.
- ##
- ## The character set of this language file
- ISO-8859-9
- ## First, abbreviations for the day and month names.
- Paz
- Pts
- Sal
- «r˛
- Pr˛
- Cum
- Cts
- Ock
- fibt
- Mrt
- Nis
- May
- Haz
- Tem
- Au
- Eyl
- Ekm
- Ksm
- Ara
- ## Next some standard common words.
- ## Abbreviation for "week beginning"
- Hafta ba˛˝
- ay
- g¸n
- g¸n
- ## Abbreviation for "hour"
- sa
- dakika
- dakika
- saniye
- saniye
- byte
- bytes
- eri˛im
- eri˛im
- tarih
- ## This has the right spacing for a column like 23/Mar/98 15:00-15:05
- tarih††† †††† saat
- son tarih
- son saat
- dosya
- dosyalar
- host
- hosts
- sanal host
- sanal host
- bˆl¸m
- bˆl¸mler
- site tipi
- site tipleri
- dosya tipi
- dosya tipleri
- URLs
- program
- programlar
- boyut
- site
- siteler
- kullan˝c˝
- kullan˝c˝lar
- durum kodu
- durum kodlar˝
- Web Server ›statistikleri:
- ## Now the names of reports
- Genel ÷zet
- ## The time reports, plus "busiest" strings (at the bottom of each report)
- Ayl˝k Rapor
- En me˛gul ay:
- Haftal˝k Rapor
- En me˛gul hafta: hafta ba˛˝-
- G¸nl¸k ÷zet
- G¸nl¸k Rapor
- En me˛gul g¸n:
- Saatlik Rapor
- Saatlik ÷zet
- En me˛gul saat:
- 15 dk. Raporu
- En me˛gul 15 dk.:
- 5 dk. Raporu
- En me˛gul 5 dk.:
- ## The non-time reports. In each case, we have the name of the report,
- ## followed by the type of item in the report, once in the singular and once
- ## in the plural. These are used in phrases like "including all ??? with at
- ## least 200 requests". (The words higher up are used for column headings.)
- ## Finally we have the gender of this type of object, which can be m, f or n.
- ##
- ## So for example, in German a directory is Verzeichnis (neuter gender), which
- ## was given above. But "including the first directory" is "Ausgabe des ersten
- ## Verzeichnisses" and "including the first two directories" is "Ausgabe der
- ## ersten zwei Verzeichnisse". So here, we would have for the directory report:
- ##
- ## Verzeichnis-Bericht
- ## Verzeichnisses
- ## Verzeichnisse
- ## n
- ##
- ## I hope that makes sense!
- Host Report
- host
- hosts
- n
- Bˆl¸m Raporu
- bˆl¸m
- bˆl¸mler
- n
- Dosya Tipi Raporu
- dosya tipi
- dosya tipleri
- n
- Eri˛im Raporu
- dosya
- dosyalar
- n
- Yˆnlendirme Raporu
- dosya
- dosyalar
- n
- Ba˛ar˝s˝z Eri˛im Raporu
- dosya
- dosyalar
- n
- Gelinen Yer Raporu
- gˆnderici URL
- gˆnderici URLler
- n
- Gˆnderici Site Raporu
- gˆnderici site
- gˆnderici siteler
- n
- Yˆnlendirmeler Raporu
- gˆnderici URL
- gˆnderici URLler
- n
- Ba˛ar˝s˝z Gˆnderiler Raporu
- gˆnderici URL
- gˆnderici URLler
- n
- Sanal Host Raporu
- sanal host
- sanal hostlar
- n
- Kullan˝c˝ Raporu
- kullan˝c˝
- kullan˝c˝lar
- n
- Eri˛emeyen Kullan˝c˝ Raporu
- kullan˝c˝
- kullan˝c˝lar
- n
- Kullan˝lan Programlar ÷zeti
- program
- programlar
- n
- Kullan˝lan Program Raporu
- program
- programlar
- n
- Site Tipi Raporu
- site tipi
- site tipleri
- n
- Durum Kodu Raporu
- durum kodu
- durum kodlar˝
- n
- Dosya Boyutu Raporu
- ## Used at the bottom of the report
- Bu analizi yaratmak iÁin kullan˝lan program:
- «al˝˛ma s¸resi
- 1 den az
- ## Used in the time reports
- Herbir ¸nite
- sayfaya
- kez eri˛imi gˆsterir
- kez eri˛imi gˆsterir
- ## Used at the bottom of each non-time report: need m, f & n genders
- *
- *
- not listed
- ## Used at the top of the report
- Program ba˛lag˝c˝:
- Analiz edilen tarih aral˝˝:
- /
- ## Used in the General Summary
- Ba˛ar˝l˝ eri˛imler
- Ba˛ar˝l˝ eri˛imler g¸nl¸k ortalamas˝
- Sayfalara yap˝lan ba˛ar˝l˝ eri˛imler
- Sayfalara yap˝lan ba˛ar˝l˝ eri˛imler g¸nl¸k ortalamas˝
- Durum kodu olmayan KAYIT(LOG) dosyas˝ sat˝rlar˝
- Ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛imler
- Yˆnlendirilen eri˛imler
- Enformasyonal status kodlu eri˛imler
- Eri˛ilen belirgin dosya say˝s˝
- Servis verilen belirgin host say˝s˝
- Bozuk KAYIT(LOG) dosyas˝ sat˝rlar˝
- ›stenmeyen KAYIT(LOG) dosyas˝ sat˝rlar˝
- Transfer edilen bilgi
- Transfer edilen bilgi g¸nl¸k ortalamas˝
- Parantez iÁindeki deerlerin temsil ettii g¸n say˝s˝:
- 7 g¸n-biti˛:
- son 7 g¸n
- Git
- ›lk Sayfa
- ## Column headings for requests, pages and bytes
- eri˛im
- eri˛im%
- sayfa
- sayfa%
- bytes
- bytes%
- ## Now we need to know how to say "listing the first <whatever>", "listing
- ## the first <n> <whatevers>", and "listing <whatevers>". The %s and %d
- ## will be replaced by the appropriate things. There may be three of each of
- ## these statements, for the genders m, f and n. Any genders that aren't used,
- ## you can just put a * there instead. So, for example, French starts
- ## Affichage du premier %s
- ## Affichage de la première %s
- ## *
- ## with entries for m & f, but not n
- *
- *
- ›lk %s listeleniyor
- *
- *
- ›lk %d %s listeleniyor
- *
- *
- %s listeleniyor
- ## "by" in the phrase "listing the first 3 files BY number of requests"
- . S˝ralama:
- ## All requests WITH AT LEAST 10 requests
- - en az
- ## Different ways of doing floors
- yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im
- yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛imler
- ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im
- ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛imler
- %% trafii olan
- %% max. trafii olan
- eri˛im miktar˝
- ›lk eri˛im:
- ›lk yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im:
- ›lk ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im:
- ## Now "sorted by": again, in m, f & n (only needed in plural though)
- *
- *
- S˝ralama:
- ## different ways of sorting
- eri˛im miktar˝
- %% eri˛im y¸zdeli
- %% max. eri˛im y¸zdeli
- eri˛im say˝s˝
- %% sayfa eri˛im y¸zdeli
- %% max. sayfa eri˛im y¸zdeli
- sayfa eri˛im say˝s˝
- %% yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im y¸zdeli
- %% max. yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im y¸zdeli
- yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im say˝s˝
- %% ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im y¸zdeli
- %% max. ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im y¸zdeli
- ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im say˝s˝
- Son eri˛im zaman˝:
- Son yˆnlendirilmi˛ eri˛im zaman˝:
- Son ba˛ar˝s˝z eri˛im zaman˝:
- ## 3 other ways of sorting in m, f, & n
- *
- *
- Alfabetik s˝ral˝
- *
- *
- Numara s˝ral˝
- *
- *
- S˝ralanmam˝˛
- ## There's a colon here, because the French like to put a space before a colon,
- ## so they have space-colon instead here.
- :
- ## Some date formats. E.g. for 9am on 1st January 1997 use
- ## %d for date††††††††† " 1"
- ## %D for 0-padded date "01"
- ## %m for month†††††††† "Jan"
- ## %y for short year††† "97"
- ## %Y for long year†††† "1997"
- ## %h for hour††††††††† " 9"
- ## %H for 0-padded hour "09"
- ## %n for minute††††††† "00"
- ## %i for hour at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
- ## %I for 0-padded hour ditto
- ## %o for minute ditto
- ## %w for weekday†††††† "Wed"
- ## So for a date, English might have %d/%m/%y for 1/Jan/97, whereas German
- ## would have %d.%m %y for 1.Jan 97). Note: the month number is not available
- ## because it can produce ambiguous dates.
- ##
- ## The different date formats are as follows
- ## "refer to the 7 days to [date]"
- %D-%m-%Y %H:%n
- ## "Programme started at" and "Analysed requests from"
- %w,%D-%m-%Y %H:%n
- ## In Daily Report
- %d/%m/%y
- ## In Hourly Report
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n-%I:%o
- ## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Reports
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n-%I:%o
- ## In Weekly Report
- %d/%m/%y
- ## In Monthly Report
- %m %Y
- ## The date column in non-time reports
- %d/%m/%y %H:%n
- ## In non-time reports: "including all files with requests since [date]"
- %d/%m/%y at %H:%n